Child and Childhood in the Light of Archeology
30.00 zł
Spis treści:
Preface /7
Michał Pawleta, An archaeology of childhood – a new subfield of study /9
Katarzyna Orzyłowska, Bartosz Karolak, Paleolithic children knapping. The identification of children’s flint knapping product – experimental case study /29
Katarína Hladíková, Perception of children in Villanovan period in southern Etruria /41
Jan Turek, Children in the burial rites of complex societies. Reading gender identities /75
Marta Chmiel, Children in the Wielbark culture societies /89
Aija Vilka, Some aspects of child burials in the Middle and Late Iron Age (5th-12th c.) in the territory of Latvia /113
Povilas Blazevièius, Toys as a reflection of player’s social status /137
Izabela Gomułka, Children’s toys in mediaeval Silesia /153
Paulina Romanowicz, Archaeological finds of playthings in late medieval towns. Contribution to the study of the development of children in the past /163
Contributors /185
Informacje dodatkowe
ISBN | 978-83-935760-8-1 |
Autor | red. Paulina Romanowicz |
Rok i miejsce wydania | Wrocław 2013 |
Wydanie | Pierwsze |
Format | B5 |
Objętość | 186 |
Okładka | Miękka |
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